
MoveAI is a relocation assistance app that helps users calculate their shipping container size and cost. The application uses Vision API's pre-trained machine learning models.

What problem does it solve?
Automating the process of categorizing items and suggesting container size and estimated cost. The existing practice in the industry is either a user estimates the container size they think will require or the service provider visits the client and gives an estimate. These are manual processes and lead to last minutes of hassle.

⚙️ Technologies:
  • React on front end
  • Material UI
  • Express/Node.js
  • Google's vision API

💡 Inspiration:
The idea of building this application came when I relocated from Singapore to Amsterdam. In search of finding a shipping company, I went through a frustrating experience with the manual process in the shipping industry. I build this application as a proof of concept of a larger vision I have to solve the relocation pain of the expat community!